Today’s generation is the largest in history, with 1.5 billion young people worldwide. Yet they are the least likely to have access to HIV education, prevention, testing and treatment. To close this gap, we partner with governments and Ministries of Health to create affordable and sustainable care models, ensuring young people in resource-limited areas get the support they want, how they want them.

Building on our success reaching youth in Kenya with Zipline, the Elton John AIDS Foundation is proud to expand our innovative partnership to Nigeria. In collaboration with Zipline and the Nigerian government, funding from the Elton John AIDS Foundation will transform physical and mental health access and equity for youth across the country using autonomous drone delivery technology.

A focus on youth health and equity

Through this continued partnership, we will deliver essential physical and mental health services—including contraceptives, PrEP, HIV tests, and medication—to young people, including key groups such as LGBTQ+ individuals and young women, at locations where young people congegrate – like community centers, nightclubs or pharmacies. By leveraging Zipline’s cutting-edge delivery infrastructure, the Foundation is providing a modern, convenient, and comprehensive “one-stop shop” for youth care in Africa. This expansion underscores the Foundation’s commitment to innovative, collaborative approaches, using creative financing mechanisms to transform health outcomes for young people.

A blueprint for sustainable healthcare models

This partnership is more than just a healthcare initiative—it’s a catalyst for lasting change in Nigeria’s healthcare ecosystem, contributing to global goals like the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

By investing in innovative models of care, we’re creating a blueprint that can be replicated across regions where it’s needed most.